
Dates are shown in a non-North American way. Fixing them via Business Catalyst's recommended method or by using a more robust library like Moment.js or DateJS.


Things that can be appended onto the "action" value of a form in Business Catalyst

  • "&PageId=/path/to/page" - After the form is successfully submitted, the user will be directed to the page that is specified.
  • "&SAR=False" - Prevents the sending of any automatically generated response emails to person submitting the form.
  • "&SWE=False" - Prevents the sending of any automatically generated Workflow emails that have been set up pertaining to this form.
  • "&JSON=1" - Receive the form response as JSON. Useful for AJAX type interactions. (Documentation on Web Forms & AJAX)

Object Type
Every element, component, and piece of content that is managed by Business Catalyst is considered an object. Each object is given a unique ObjectID number and an Object Type (occasionally these are rendered using the modules {module_oid} & {module_otype} respectively).
Object Type plays a role in helping determine what sort of interactions are permitted involving the object and having a missing or incorrect Object Type on can cause errors to occur. This is an incredibly rare occurrence and can only occur when some sort of interaction with Business Catalyst is taking place (e.g. submitting a Web Form). With that in mind, click the button to see a complete list of Object Types used by Business Catalyst.


In addition to their URL, the pageID can be used to navigate to a page. (e.g. /Default.aspx?PageID=13813607)

Web Apps

Web App Lists
When using the Web App Item List Module, a maximum number of 500 items are allowed on the page before pagination automatically occurs. If using a list module to build a data structure/model on the page for further client-side manipulation or presentation, care must be taken to either:

  • ensure the total number of Web App Items stays under 500
  • include logic which recognizes that pagination has occurred

Web App Maps
Web Apps in Business Catalyst do have some built in location-based functionality which allow for things like proximity based search & map creation. Unfortunately in practice, this functionality leaves a lot to be desired.
The first major issue is the lack of customization. Google maps offers a substatial amount of customization in terms of both control & position and styling of the map that is rendered on the page. The second, and more fundemental, flaw is the inaccuracy of Business Catalyst's geocoder. The lattitude/longitude information for each web app item is generated from the address that is provided for that item. This method appears to only be acurate down to roughly 3-5 miles. This is fine for regional, national, or international maps, but is completely unusable at a state or local level.

Web App Module custom layouts
Files that are used as custom layouts for a Web App Item cannot be saved in the same directory as any default layouts. These files should be created using the extension .html.

Web App Item Edit/Submit
Categories can be defined for user created/editable web app items. Adobe Forum Thread