September 02, 2020

Notes from CascadiaJS 2020

Some of my favorite talks, highlights, and things I found interesting from CascadiaJS 2020. Additionally, links to all of the talks can be found at the bottom of this post.

Day 1 Highlights

Day 2 Highlights

Video time stamps for every talk

Day 1 - Video
Opening Message About Racial Justice - Claudius Mbemba
Mo’Problems, Mo’Nads - Kyle “Getify” Simpson
Modal Windows for Everyone - James Steinbach
The Past, Present, and Future of Favicons - Tiger Oakes
I18N | L10N - The Principals for a more Accessible Web - Romulo Cintra
Understanding Accessibility as a Concept - Jemima Abu
Memory Leaks and the Havoc They Wreak - Will Klein
Saving Data to the DWeb: A Primer and a Practical Perspective - Kelsey Breseman
Human Centered On-Call Practices - Najla Elmachtoub
Developing Your Community Brand - Joel Hooks
The ACID/BASE Conundrum - Sangeetha KP
The Operating System of You - Shawn Wang

Day 2 - Video
How I learned to Stop Worrying and Let the Robot Publish to NPM - Evan Tahler
The Zen of Git - Tianyu Pu
Musical Creativity in the Browser - Scott Ammon
Complex Geometry in HTML! A story of Constrained Creativity - Pantelis Kalogiros
SVG, Canvas, and WebGL: The Power, The Beauty, & The Cost - Amber Hoak
Building Better Communities with Mental Health Support - Rahat Chowdhury
You Might Not Need a Build Step - Kristofer Joseph
My Assistant Misty - April Speight
Relax, it’s IoTea Time! - Myriam E Walden-Duarte
How I Graduated from React to Vanilla JavaScript - Dan McKeon
Oh Sweet, Gif - Rachelle Rathbone
Snowpack, Webpack and the Third Age of JavaScript - Fred K Schott

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